The famous golden weathervane on the top of St James's belltower has puzzled people down the generations, but now Mark M has discovered an intriguing link with the City of London, just across the river.
The City's coat of arms shows a
shield with the cross of St George, supported by two dragons (famously defeated by the saint).
This has led to the dragon itself being seen as a symbol of London, and to it being immortalised in a least one City church, namely, St Mary-le-Bow, whose dragon (below) bears more than a passing rememblance to that of St James. Incidentally, it also has two red crosses of St George painted on it, confirming the link with St George and the City coat of arms.

The City's motto itself is instructive: Domine Nos Dirige, or, Lord, Guide Us
Very soon St James's dragon will be coming down to ground level for a few days before it goes off for a bit of refurbishment before being put back in place on a newly repaired tower.
Watch this space to find out when you can come and view the dragon close up and hear BermondseyVicar's sermon on the dragon from the book of Revelation.
Finally, here's a picture of the dragon when it came down for a wash and brush up in 1925.
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