Friday, 21 January 2022

The honours boys

When we go to take assemblies at St James's School I often look at this honours board in what was the boys' assembly hall of Alexis Street School (later Alma School).

It gives a fascinating insight to Bermondsey boys names of nearly a century ago: the Stanleys, the Horaces, the Walters the Herberts and all the others. 
I wonder what these bright lads went on to do? Whatever they did, I am glad they are remembered.

1 comment:

  1. My family being mostly Lightermen, lived in Bermondsey before the War, and it was only because our house was destroyed that we left. My great uncle lived in Horsleydown Lane and moved when Tower Bridge was built. My uncle Thomas, a Doggett's Coat and Badge competitor, piloted the Massey Shaw to Dunkirk to rescue the military and my father skippered a TLC to Juno Beach to take the military back. Further generations of the family have become nuclear engineers, a maxiofaciologist at Guys and geneticists. Bermondsey people can do most things...
