Sunday, 1 December 2019

Light in the darkness at Providence House

To Providence House, the youth and community Christian mission serving the Winstanley Estate in Battersea, close to Clapham Junction station, for the last 50 years.

I had been invited to speak at their Sunday First event, all age service held on the first Sunday of the month followed by a community tea.

I first came to Providence House when I was curate when I was invited a couple of times to speak to the women's bible study group about marriage, cohabitation and the family. It was probably one of the most memorable experiences of my curacy. I realised then what a special place Providence House was.

It was good to be back at this very special community centre,with a Christian heart, alongside Robert and Susan who have worked here with such love and commitment for so long, this time speaking as part of their 'Advent Adventure, ' on John 1v5: 'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.'

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