Tuesday, 26 November 2019

I see you

To Westminster Abbey to see the exhibition mounted by Open Doors, the Christian agency which seeks to highlight the plight of persecuted Christians throughout the world.

Included within it was a series of paintings of Nigerian women who had suffered appalling assaults and sufferings.

An artist working for Open Doors had produced these beautiful and sensitive portraits. Alongside these paintings, are self-portraits that the women themselves have made in trauma care workshop run by Open Doors. These form an exbition within the main exhibition entitled 'Tears of Gold.'

The major part of the exhibition is taken up with a handmade petition in aid of the women of the persecuted church made with contributions of by more than 1600 Open Doors supporters:

The whole exhibition proclaimed a powerful message about support for the suffering church throughout the world. It was great to see it displayed in Westminster Abbey. It would be great to see it displayed in other places, too - up and down the country.

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