The report found that leaders and governors 'share and articulate an exemplary Christian vision that is focussed on transforming lives and meeting the academic, spiritual, amd physical needs of all pupils and families in and beyond school' and it referred to the 'extraordinarily close relationship with the parish church.'
This is the letter I wrote as Chair of Governors to parents and carers:

I am pleased to report that St
James’s School was overall graded as ‘excellent’ and that collective worship
was graded as ‘excellent’ and religious education was graded as ‘good.’
Following on from the recent
successful OfSted inspection, this report from the SIAMS inspector is a further
tribute to the hard work of our senior leadership team, governors and teaching
As a Church of England Primary
School the Christian vision of the school guides us in all we do and governors
and staff will continue to strive to offer the very best education for our
children, undergirded by the teaching and values of the Christian faith."
You can read the report here
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