Saturday 9 February 2019

Men's breakfast

Will Cookson (left) was the speaker at today's Men's Breakfast at St James.

Will is the Dean of Fresh Expressions in the Diocese of Southwark. This means he has the task of encouraging new forms of church life throughout the Diocese.

Today Will was speaking to us about his own story of faith. It was as a teenager, from a non-churchgoing home, that Will began to be aware of God drawing close to him.

He started praying, and reading the Bible, and reading Christian books from the public library. And he phoned the local vicar and asked if he could be confirmed.

People often come to faith through a friend  but that's not how it was for Will. It seemed God contacted him direct.

In time he met up with a Christian group at university and his faith grew through this. Later he worked in the world of business before sensing the call to ordination.

A key thought here was: if I am sharing the Gospel with someone I am involved in a work, the results of which will last for eternity.

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