Wednesday 14 November 2018

Thank you Simon

Yesterday evening governors and friends of St James's School gathered to say thank you to Sir Simon Hughes for his 24 years service as a school governor, during which time he has been our devoted and enthusiastic Chair of Governors.

Here is Simon receiving from Acting Chair, Jim Hutchinson, a thank you gift from the governors of two historic prints - the first of Southwark Cathedral and the second (shown in the picture) of a nineteenth century parliamentary hustings in Southwark, the two gifts symbolising Simon's active involvement in the religious and political life of our community.

There are many things that I have appreciated about Simon's service to our school, but there is one thing that was in my mind especially last night.

Colin Powell, Director of the Diocesan Board of Education speaking words of appreciation for Simon's service to church schools, in the diocese,  St James, in particular

It is that event that Simon has attended without fail, even with his many responsibilities as a Member of Parliament and, eventually, as a Government minister, and that is our Annual School Leavers service in St James's Church held each July on the last day of the school year.

Bibles and other gifts are presented to each leaver personally by Simon in front of the whole school. What really strikes me is the time that Simon takes in doing it. He is not content with a brief handshake, but says a few words of encouragement to each child individually.

The children presented Simon with paintings they had done of the two school buildings

Simon demonstrates what all of us involved in education actually believe, namely, that the children are the most important people in the school. It is their school. It exists for them and to give them the very best start in life that is possible.

Simon by his actions showed us that every child mattered. That each individual was a precious person, made in the image of God.

His actions and his dedication to the school, made me think of those words of the Lord Jesus, which are surely the inspiration of every church educator: 'let the children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these' (Mark 10.14).

So, thank you Simon, for all you have done for St James's School.

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