We started off with a full cooked breakfast of the kind that has become so popular with our men's breakfasts, and then with some physical nourishment under our belts, we turmed to the Bible for some spiritual nourishment from Ephesians 4.1-16.
It was good to see from this passage that every Christian is part of the body, that every Christian has been given a gift by the ascended Lord Jesus, that God has appointed pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, and apostles to minister God's word in such a way that 'all God's people' are prepared for 'the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.'
The final goal is that we become mature in Christ ('no longer ..children, carried by the waves and blown about by every shifting wind of the teaching of deceitful people') by speaking the truth (ie the truth of God's word) in love.
In other words what our church, and every church needs, is more truth and more love, with the result that the whole body 'grows and builds itself up through love.'

The results will be collated and we will think further about this vital matter. After all, the parting shot of Jesus to his church, commemorated in our Ascension picture in St James with its the text from Matthew 28.20 was to 'go and make disciples' of people from all nations.
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