Today, Shrove Tuesday, the Prime Minister held a reception at 10 Downing Street to celebrate our country's Christian heritage.
She concluded her speech, which you can read here, by saying: 'In the weeks ahead, as we look beyond Ash Wednesday to Easter, let us
draw confidence in our Christian faith. And let us renew our
determination to work together in the service of others, today and in
the years to come.'
Watch Number 10's video clip of the event here
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Monday, 27 February 2017
Bermondsey Brew
Bermondsey Brew, our new community cafe in St James Church on Mondays from 2-4pm got off to a great start this afternoon.
Marian, Parisa, Emma and Gem served up a mouthwatering selection of homemade cakes, and in view of Shrove Tuesday being tomorrow, pancakes, too.
Lots of people popped in including quite a few families from St James School all the way home.
In the summer, lots of families come to play in the churchyard after school, and we hope to welcome them to Bermondsey Brew, too.
Marian, Parisa, Emma and Gem served up a mouthwatering selection of homemade cakes, and in view of Shrove Tuesday being tomorrow, pancakes, too.
Lots of people popped in including quite a few families from St James School all the way home.
In the summer, lots of families come to play in the churchyard after school, and we hope to welcome them to Bermondsey Brew, too.
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Night shot
St Anne's churchwarden, Graham, was walking throught St James's Churchyard last week, and took this dramatic night time shot of the church.
Close up of the bell tower (left); main picture, taken near the gate by the Gregorian Arms (below)
Thanks Graham for a great pic
Close up of the bell tower (left); main picture, taken near the gate by the Gregorian Arms (below)
Thanks Graham for a great pic
Saturday, 25 February 2017
When the paupers came to church

On a recent tour of hidden parts of the building after church on Sunday, members of the congregation climbed the long narrow staircase (right) to the north-east paupers gallery.
If you were a pauper, you couldn't see much up there, but you could hear, particularly when the vicar was preaching from the three-decker pulpit, which gave him a commanding position, to proclaim the word to his congregation spread over all three levels.
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Paupers' Gallery |
What should we make of the Paupers' Galleries? One way of looking at them is to say that the founders of our church were inspired by Christian love and compassion in providing for the paupers. It was what today called be called an 'inclusive approach.' Everyone was welcomed, and there was space for rich and poor alike in Bermondsey New Church.
I like that thought, but there is another way of looking at the galleries and it is this: how did the poor feel when they came to church, not entering through the main doors and the majestic portico, but entering the back door, climbing an interminable narrow staircase, to an uncomfortable perch just below the roof.
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The main gallery showing the identation where the paupers' gallety, now boarded up, was located |
Is it any wonder that the Church of England has found it so hard to connect with ordinary working people when it treated them like that?
I don't know when pew rents fell into disuse in Bermondsey, but it wasn't until the middle of the twentieth century that they were abolished altogether in the CofE. Until then, the rich could still pay for the best seats in the house of God.
In our Lent Groups this year at St James and St Anne's we are studying the Letter of James in the New Testament, and I'm struck by what James has to say in chapter 2:
Suppose a rich man wearing a gold ring and fine clothes comes to your meeting, and a poor man in ragged clothes also comes. If
you show more respect to the well-dressed man and say to him, “Have
this best seat here,” but say to the poor man, “Stand over there, or sit
here on the floor by my feet,” then you are guilty of creating distinctions among yourselves and of making judgments based on evil motives.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017
After care

How's that for after care?
She was also present at my ordination, and at my licensing service when I became the vicar of St Helier, after having been a curate in West Norwood.
She was one of the first women to be ordained deacon (and later priest) in the Church of England, and my younger daughter was the very first baby she baptised - at a family service in the college dining room (the college chapel wasn't big enough to accommodate all the families as well as the students).
On a day off last week we visited Mary (left) in St Albans and she was just the same!
Enthusiastic for God's work, still involved in ministry, still taking a deep interest in all her former students and their families.
In my last year at college I was the student rep on the Board of Studies. We used to hear from the students' feedback forms.
One simply said 'Mary Abbott is a fantastic pastor.' Never was a truer word spoken.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Synod observer (2)
The TV cameras were out today because the Synod was going to talk about sex (who said it was the church that was obsessed with sex?), but first we turned to the question of 'Fixed Odds Betting Terminals.'
Most prevalent in the poorer communities in our country, unsuspecting players can lose thousands of pounds on these high tech gadgets and acquire gambling addiction in the process.
Some degree of control is urgently needed for this great social evil, particularly affecting our inner cities, and the Synod unanimously called for urgent action from Her Majesty's Government.
Next up was the conclusion of yesterday's adjourned debate about clergy vesture. Agreement broke out all over synod. Those who wished to wear robes could continue to do so, and those, who for good mission reasons, preferred not to, can in the future (with PCC approval) legally desist, and, come the new law, a whole load of us will become legal. Wins all round.
Would the matter of same sex relationships be capable of such a simple solution! But, its a much more complicated, and much more contested issue than clergy vesture.
An afternoon of case studies, and a long debate on the bishops' report on marriage and same sex relationships, ended with a motion which fell because it was defeated by the House of Clergy, even though a majority of the Synod had supported it. If you think that sounds a bit like the US election, you're not the first to make the comparison...
This issue will run and run, but my hope is (1) that the church will stay united and (2) we will not lose sight of the fact that God''s ways, revealed to us in Scripture, are for our good, because he is our loving creator and father.
After the excitement of yesterday, the BBC had gone home, and things could get back to normal.
First up, after worship, was a farewell address by the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Bishop of London (who, with his wife Caroline was seated in the gallery) who, in his unique way, has provided over the extraordinary growth and renewal of the Diocese of London (ie the CofE north of the river).
There were lots of great moments in this address but what stuck with me most was the Bishop's characteristic sign off to his clergy when he wrote to them: 'in gratitude for your partnership in the Gospel.' The Synod gave Bishop Richard a prolonged standing ovation.
Next up was an address from Archbishop Josiah Odowu-Fearon, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, which brought a welcome international dimension to our proceedings and reminded of us of how missionaries from this country have travelled across the world, preaching the Gospel, and planting new churches, which, now make up our partner churches in the worldwide Anglican Communion.
We were now on the home straight but next was an important paper on the group of people who make up 98 per cent of the church: 'the laity.' 'Setting God's People Free' is about making best use of the church's most precious resource, its people. Its about God's people living and working for God's kingdom in their everyday lives. It's a report that calls for a change in culture all across the church.
Fully implemented, it could prove to be one of the most significant reports the synod had debated in recent years.
Then there was chance for a Private Members Motion, which sought to simplify admin and aid the mission of the church. This was passed and because the business for this group of sessions was completed, we got to go home early, but not before I had attended a lunchtime fringe event organised by the Church of England Research and Statistics unit. I go every time and its always something of a synodical highlight.
This year they threw out a few random stats to get us going: there are 12,500 parishes in England and 16,000 churches. Average Sunday attendance in 2015 was 51. 456 churches have a usual Sunday attendance of 200 or more. Birmingham has the highest proportion of socially deprived parishes; Guildford the least.
This meeting they introduced their new interactive parish maps (you can see them here ) and told us how they are using their research findings to aid the Church's mission. Excellent stuff.
The TV cameras were out today because the Synod was going to talk about sex (who said it was the church that was obsessed with sex?), but first we turned to the question of 'Fixed Odds Betting Terminals.'
Most prevalent in the poorer communities in our country, unsuspecting players can lose thousands of pounds on these high tech gadgets and acquire gambling addiction in the process.
Some degree of control is urgently needed for this great social evil, particularly affecting our inner cities, and the Synod unanimously called for urgent action from Her Majesty's Government.
Next up was the conclusion of yesterday's adjourned debate about clergy vesture. Agreement broke out all over synod. Those who wished to wear robes could continue to do so, and those, who for good mission reasons, preferred not to, can in the future (with PCC approval) legally desist, and, come the new law, a whole load of us will become legal. Wins all round.
Would the matter of same sex relationships be capable of such a simple solution! But, its a much more complicated, and much more contested issue than clergy vesture.
An afternoon of case studies, and a long debate on the bishops' report on marriage and same sex relationships, ended with a motion which fell because it was defeated by the House of Clergy, even though a majority of the Synod had supported it. If you think that sounds a bit like the US election, you're not the first to make the comparison...
This issue will run and run, but my hope is (1) that the church will stay united and (2) we will not lose sight of the fact that God''s ways, revealed to us in Scripture, are for our good, because he is our loving creator and father.
After the excitement of yesterday, the BBC had gone home, and things could get back to normal.
First up, after worship, was a farewell address by the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Bishop of London (who, with his wife Caroline was seated in the gallery) who, in his unique way, has provided over the extraordinary growth and renewal of the Diocese of London (ie the CofE north of the river).
There were lots of great moments in this address but what stuck with me most was the Bishop's characteristic sign off to his clergy when he wrote to them: 'in gratitude for your partnership in the Gospel.' The Synod gave Bishop Richard a prolonged standing ovation.
Next up was an address from Archbishop Josiah Odowu-Fearon, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, which brought a welcome international dimension to our proceedings and reminded of us of how missionaries from this country have travelled across the world, preaching the Gospel, and planting new churches, which, now make up our partner churches in the worldwide Anglican Communion.
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Time for a break: General Synod tea-room |
Fully implemented, it could prove to be one of the most significant reports the synod had debated in recent years.
Then there was chance for a Private Members Motion, which sought to simplify admin and aid the mission of the church. This was passed and because the business for this group of sessions was completed, we got to go home early, but not before I had attended a lunchtime fringe event organised by the Church of England Research and Statistics unit. I go every time and its always something of a synodical highlight.
This year they threw out a few random stats to get us going: there are 12,500 parishes in England and 16,000 churches. Average Sunday attendance in 2015 was 51. 456 churches have a usual Sunday attendance of 200 or more. Birmingham has the highest proportion of socially deprived parishes; Guildford the least.
This meeting they introduced their new interactive parish maps (you can see them here ) and told us how they are using their research findings to aid the Church's mission. Excellent stuff.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Synod observer

Next was a Presidential Address from the Archbishop of Canterbury (right), a thoughtful and powerful address centred on the temptations of Jesus. You can read it here.
Question Time followed (a bit like Prime Minister's Questions, but much less rowdy), before Evening Worship rounded off the synodical day.
After Holy Communion, today's meeting began with a tribute by the Archbishop of York, to Sir Andreas Whittam Smith, the First Church Estates Commissioner. Like the prime minister, he grew up in a vicarage. As a young lad he helped to ring the church bells and count the collection - the latter duty, standing him in good stead for managing the Church Commissioners investment fund which, under his stewardship, has grown to £8bn.
Whittam Smith (left), known by Private Eye as the 'saintly Whittam Smith', once said he would die 'for his church, for his country and for his family.'
The former editor of The Independent, had, said the Archbishop of York , served the Church with great skill and devotion, and the Synod gave him a standing ovation of gratitude for his service to the Church.
We then moved to a private member's motion which would have seen the abolition of banns of marriage, which have been read in churches since 1215. Synod liked the idea of simplifying bureacracy, but were reluctant to lose the link with couples coming to church to hear their banns being read, and accordingly the motion was defeated by small margins in all three houses (of bishops, clergy and laity). Ironically, an amendment which would have kept banns, but simplified things, was lost earlier in the debate. That might have been the best option.
The rest of the day was taken up with legislative business, a lot of detailled but important stuff, designed to produce a stronger, fitter church, better equipped to take the Gospel to the nation.
We weren't quite finished by the 7pm cut off, and a debate that had just got started on making clergy vesture (ie robes) optional, will have to be completed later in the week.
The day concluded with exuberant contemporary worship lead by a band of visiting musicians, with Matt Redman's 'Bless the Lord, O my Soul' resounding round the Synod chamber, before the Archbishop of York, closed the day's proceedings with a prayer of blessing.
You can watch the synod live here
Monday, 13 February 2017
Down in the crypt
St James and St Anne's both had a special focus on the Salmon Youth Centre on Sunday. At St James it was great to have General Director, Sam Adofo, preaching; Emma dancing and Leslie singing, as well as hearing from David Davoll about RBODS, a project being run in conjunction with Salmon in the crypt at St James.
The idea is to do outdoor activities, inside - that is, down in the crypt. In the process, the crypt has been transformed, and will soon be throbbing with activity.
To get an idea of what it will be like, members of the congregation got a chance to tour the crypt after the service and meet with David (second from right).
Here are some more photos:
The idea is to do outdoor activities, inside - that is, down in the crypt. In the process, the crypt has been transformed, and will soon be throbbing with activity.
To get an idea of what it will be like, members of the congregation got a chance to tour the crypt after the service and meet with David (second from right).
Here are some more photos:
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Bermondsey Brew
Bermondsey Brew, our new community cafe, serving tea, coffee, and delicious homemade cakes, opens on Monday 27th February in St James's Church, 2-4pm, and then every Monday.
Come and join us for a cuppa.
Come and join us for a cuppa.
It is an opportunity to enjoy a hot drink and cake, meet
friendly faces to chat with, or just be quiet and enjoy some space away from
the chaos of life.
There will also be resources available and people on hand to
offer advice/prayer.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Remembering Yos
Today's funeral in St James was one of our largest, with every seat taken in the church upstairs and downstairs, a crowd of people standing at the back of the church and an overspill congregation in the churchyard.
It said a lot about Yos, who came from Cyprus as a seven year old boy to live in Bermondsey and become a member of CUM (Cambridge University Mission, now the Salmon Centre) - and the deep links that his family had in the community - that so many people came to his funeral, as did the veritable carpet of flowers that appeared in the churchyard before the service.
Big funerals are a feature of Bermondsey life and reflect some of the very best aspects of our community here: the importance of family; strong networks of friends; people coming out to support each other; putting on the kind of funeral that shows the person who died really mattered and was really loved.
For us, at St James, its privilege to be part of this and to be able to bring the consolation of God's word and the gospel promise of eternal life to grieving families.
Today's funeral included a contribution from Yos himself in a letter he had written to his friends before he died. He said there was nothing more important than love, other than God himself. I think that's about right and today's service was a real expression of love by literally hundreds of people.
It said a lot about Yos, who came from Cyprus as a seven year old boy to live in Bermondsey and become a member of CUM (Cambridge University Mission, now the Salmon Centre) - and the deep links that his family had in the community - that so many people came to his funeral, as did the veritable carpet of flowers that appeared in the churchyard before the service.
Big funerals are a feature of Bermondsey life and reflect some of the very best aspects of our community here: the importance of family; strong networks of friends; people coming out to support each other; putting on the kind of funeral that shows the person who died really mattered and was really loved.
For us, at St James, its privilege to be part of this and to be able to bring the consolation of God's word and the gospel promise of eternal life to grieving families.
Today's funeral included a contribution from Yos himself in a letter he had written to his friends before he died. He said there was nothing more important than love, other than God himself. I think that's about right and today's service was a real expression of love by literally hundreds of people.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
The most important thing he ever did
Moving words of personal testimony from the Archbishop of Canterbury, launching this year's 'Thy Kingdom Come' global prayer initiative:
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Remembering Michael
We received the sad news this evening of the death of Michael Whinney.
Michael, who went on to become Bishop of Aston and then Bishop of Southwell, first came to Bermondsey to be the warden of the Cambridge University Mission (as the Salmon Youth Centre was then known).
In 1967 he was asked by the Bishop to move from CUM to St James, and to bring with him his group of young enthusiastic CUM-worshippers.
St James Church had been closed for seven years, but soon the new vicar and new congregation, got to work on restoring the dilapidated building and growing the congregation.
Here at St James we are planning to celebrate that 50th anniversary of the re-opening of the building and Michael's institution as vicar on Sunday 24th September (the Sunday closest to the day Michael was officially made vicar). That commemoration will be all the more poignant in the light of today's news.
The last time Michael and Veronica visited St James was for the opening of Dickens Whinney House, which was built on part of the site of the old vicarage, and named after Michael himself (he was the great great grandson of Charles Dickens). Here are some pictures of that memorable day:
Michael, who went on to become Bishop of Aston and then Bishop of Southwell, first came to Bermondsey to be the warden of the Cambridge University Mission (as the Salmon Youth Centre was then known).
In 1967 he was asked by the Bishop to move from CUM to St James, and to bring with him his group of young enthusiastic CUM-worshippers.
St James Church had been closed for seven years, but soon the new vicar and new congregation, got to work on restoring the dilapidated building and growing the congregation.
Here at St James we are planning to celebrate that 50th anniversary of the re-opening of the building and Michael's institution as vicar on Sunday 24th September (the Sunday closest to the day Michael was officially made vicar). That commemoration will be all the more poignant in the light of today's news.
The last time Michael and Veronica visited St James was for the opening of Dickens Whinney House, which was built on part of the site of the old vicarage, and named after Michael himself (he was the great great grandson of Charles Dickens). Here are some pictures of that memorable day:
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Michael & Veronica, with the late Barry Albin-Dyer |
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Bishop Michael Ipgrave perusing the other Bishop Michael's book about his time in Bermondsey |
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Outside Dickens Whinney House |
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Finding the treasure
It was a boyhood dream that became reality, when David Heath-Whyte became an airline pilot for British Airways.
Fast forward five years, and like the fishermen who were called to leave behind their nets and work for Jesus, David heeded God's call to full time service in the Church of England.
In our latest Men's Breakfast at St James, David, currently Rector of Morden, told us how a boyhood fascination with planes, led to flying gliders with the Scouts, and that led in turn to training for BA as a pilot.
In between he went to University and made an amazing discovery. Referring to Jesus parable about the treasure in the field David told us about something that was infinitely valuable: the precious truth that Jesus had died for him, and had done everything necessary to make him acceptable to God.
When he left BA, it was about working full time telling people where they could find the amazing treasure of God's love.
Fast forward five years, and like the fishermen who were called to leave behind their nets and work for Jesus, David heeded God's call to full time service in the Church of England.
In our latest Men's Breakfast at St James, David, currently Rector of Morden, told us how a boyhood fascination with planes, led to flying gliders with the Scouts, and that led in turn to training for BA as a pilot.
In between he went to University and made an amazing discovery. Referring to Jesus parable about the treasure in the field David told us about something that was infinitely valuable: the precious truth that Jesus had died for him, and had done everything necessary to make him acceptable to God.
When he left BA, it was about working full time telling people where they could find the amazing treasure of God's love.
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
The governors come to visit
It was governors' morning at St James School today. Once every term the governors spend a morning in school, touring the clasrooms and meeting the children.
Here are some of our lovely governors (above) at the feedback session at the end of the morning.
We started the morning with assembly led by me at Alexis Street for Key Stage 2 (or the Juniors, in old money). After hearing about Abraham, the latest in our series on 'Heroes of the Faith', the children had an opportunity to question the governors, with a lively set of questions forthcoming from the floor.
Whilst the other governors toured the classrooms at Alexis St, I hot footed it to Old Jamaica Rd for Key
Stage One (the infants) assembly, where we acted out the story of Abraham from Genesis 12. Then I had the chance to visit the classrooms at OJR, (above) and in due course, I was joined by my fellow governors to see what the younger children were up to.
There were lots of good things going on led by our hardworking and dedicated staff, including PE in the hall (left).
This morning was that teachers' nightmare - wet play - but quite a few children braved the drizzly weather to play in the playground at OJR (with St James's Church in the background).
And, in another classroom, while the children munched their mid-morning snack, the teacher read a story that had the class gripped:
Earlier - at Alexis St - in the governors question time at assembly, one of the children asked: 'Gary do you like being a governor?' I think I spoke for all the governors when I said I loved being a governor and I was very proud of St James's School. It was a good morning, so thank you to Mrs Willis and all her team.
Here are some of our lovely governors (above) at the feedback session at the end of the morning.
We started the morning with assembly led by me at Alexis Street for Key Stage 2 (or the Juniors, in old money). After hearing about Abraham, the latest in our series on 'Heroes of the Faith', the children had an opportunity to question the governors, with a lively set of questions forthcoming from the floor.
Whilst the other governors toured the classrooms at Alexis St, I hot footed it to Old Jamaica Rd for Key
Stage One (the infants) assembly, where we acted out the story of Abraham from Genesis 12. Then I had the chance to visit the classrooms at OJR, (above) and in due course, I was joined by my fellow governors to see what the younger children were up to.
There were lots of good things going on led by our hardworking and dedicated staff, including PE in the hall (left).
This morning was that teachers' nightmare - wet play - but quite a few children braved the drizzly weather to play in the playground at OJR (with St James's Church in the background).
And, in another classroom, while the children munched their mid-morning snack, the teacher read a story that had the class gripped:
Earlier - at Alexis St - in the governors question time at assembly, one of the children asked: 'Gary do you like being a governor?' I think I spoke for all the governors when I said I loved being a governor and I was very proud of St James's School. It was a good morning, so thank you to Mrs Willis and all her team.
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