Tom Wright, former Bishop of Durham, and international reknown bible scholar, held the audience spellbound as he unpacked the message at the heart of the Gospels, and then fielded questions tweeted by the congregation (or, in the case of the technologically challenged, scribbled on the back of their programme and waved in the air for a steward to collect.
As well as writing over 50 books, NT Wright has a remarkable ability to communicate complex ideas simply - and make them exciting.

Here are a few tweeted snippets:' Because of Jesus something happened which makes the world a different place;' 'When God wants to change the world he doesn't send in tanks but meek, mourners, merciful;' 'The resurrection & Jesus' healings speaks to the fact that God cares for this world and will make all things right'.
One person tweeted: 'Jesus starts where we are Hurrah! When we cannot grasp it, that's Okay- follow on! Praise the One True and Living God. Amen'
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