Saturday, 13 September 2014

Bid for the Blue

Guest contributor, Paul Warren writes:

Thursday evening saw the first Blue Bermondsey Bid Networking event held at Duns café in the heart of the Blue market place. 

Organised by the Blue Bermondsey Business Association the event was an opportunity to bring together representatives from across the area that have common interest developing the Blue for the benefit of the people of Bermondsey. 

Those represented came from the local traders, Bermondsey Councillors, Council Officials and Governor Estates as well as St James and St Anne’s churches. 

 BBBA Chairman Russell Dryden, a well-respected trader in the market, spoke about the need for co-operation between all those represented to develop and improve the Blue. 

He showed a newly commissioned short film (in which Russell stars as himself) to highlight the ever changing face of Bermondsey and the bid for funding to continue to improve the area. Here's the film:

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