Rememembrance Sunday began with an Act of Remembrance at the war memorial in Old Jamaica Road (above) for the Queen's Regiment, Bermondsey Battalion.
We were joined by representatives from the Army, the British Legion (left), including the cadets who formed the parade, by representatives from Southwark Council, by Neil Coyle MP, and by Sir Simon Hughes, who all laid wreaths at the newly restored memorial, following the two minutes silence.
From there it was back to St James, where the bells were already ringing, for our main Remembrance Sunday service which included contributions from our local community choir, Bermondsey Voices.
Here is an extract of what I said in the sermon on
1 Peter 2.13-25:
'Sadly, there never has been a war to end all wars. Warfare and
violence continue to mar the face of God’s earth to this very day.
So, what is the answer?
The Bible’s answer is to point to one man, and to what he did when
he stepped into human history. He was quite clearly the most powerful man in the world.
All things were made by him and through him. His father’s settled
plan was that this Son would have supremacy in all things. He was the king of kings. The Lord of Lords. The President of
Presidents. The Prime Minister of Prime Ministers.
He knew that the Father had put all things under his
power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; but what did he
do when they mocked him, insulted him, spat at him, whipped him and abused him?
As the Apostle Peter tells us in today’s second reading: When he was insulted, he did not
answer back with an insult; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but placed
his hopes in God, the righteous Judge.
The most powerful man in the universe turned the other cheek and
never hit back. And then in the battle to end all battles, he took the weight of
the world’s sin and violence and disobedience on his own shoulders.
It killed him, but in his death he won an everlasting victory for
everyone who would put their trust in him. The Apostle Peter puts it like this: Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we
might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have
been healed
Christ himself. God’s chosen one. The king. Took
OUR sins in his body on the cross. By his
wounds we are healed. He died our
death. He bore our sin. He accepted our punishment. Like a sheep about to be
slaughtered he never said a word.
And on that day Love won the victory. So that in
his dying breath, God’s son could say ‘it is finished.’ Not ‘I am finished’ but
‘it is finished.’ The great work of salvation has been triumphantly
accomplished in the shame and blood and degradation of the cross.
And that death has made it possible for people who have
lost their way completely, to find their way back to God.'
Bermondsey Voices singing on Remembrance Sunday |