Wednesday 17 April 2019

The cross shines

The whole world has been moved by the scenes in Paris of the Cathedral of Notre Dame engulfed in flames.

It won't have escaped the notice of Christian people that this tragic event has occurred in Holy Week, the very time when the church considfers the suffering and death of Christ, and moves on on Easter Day to celebrate his triumpant resurrection from the dead.

For 850 years the Cathedral of Notre Dame has stood as a silent testimony to these events that changed the world, and secured salvation for all who put their trust in Christ.

One of the most powerful images that have emerged this week is this one (above) where the cross shines in the midst of the surrounding devastation in this ancient cathedral.

It is wonderful that cross survives intact and in this week, of all weeks, proclaims to the world that 'God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.'

'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.' (John 1.5)

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